Thursday, October 2, 2008

Artist Entry: The Abominable Iron Sloth's Justin Godfrey shares some lyrics

"In the Event of the Inevitable"

Dear future,
sorry about that shit we left
religious wars
forests burned
atomic death

In the event of the inevitable
I pray you find this song
The protons rained
throughout your veins
the past must rightly own

Dear son, dear daughter
stay away from girls on speed
and boys on weed
in search of death
and fleeting things

In the event of the inevitable
I pray you find this song
Those foolish things
inside your brain
I tell you don't belong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never mind the lyrics just get the damn album done and released, it's not like it's a year since it was supposed to be relased already is it?! Keep up the good work though.....