Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BMA News Update: Cancer Bats spreading like, well, cancer; Tony Danza will gets 'ta steppin' this fall; Gaza checks in

Hi kiddies. It’s time for this week’s installment of the BMA news update. Though the report isn’t a portly one, this isn't Costco people. We don't sell this shit in bulk quantities. Still, we’re anxiously awaiting to announce some good stuff that's brewing with Team BMA, have patience young grasshopper.

Anyhow, on to the news. Here’s what’s happenin’ in the world of BMA this week:

Cancer Bats are taking to the Canadian terrain for a fall tour in September with Black Lungs and Johnny Truant. Cruise over to the band's MySpace page for a show near you.

We're also pleased to announce Cancer Bats will also premier “Hail Destroyer” on Aug. 27 as a feature video in the main video and metal sections on MySpace. Be sure to surf over and watch the video once it’s available via MySpace.

Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza fall tour “The Agents of Chaos tour" stomps across the nation, one Tennessee-bred footprint at a time – or should that be boot print? Nevertheless, TDTDE will be joined by a few buds on select dates, here's the roll call: Arsonists Get All the Girls, Architects, Stray From the Path, ABACABB and Beneath the Massacre. Check the TDTDE MySpace for dates.

It's been nearly two months since Dudefest and you may be asking yourself, where in the world is Gaza? Are they busy campaigning for John McCain? No F-ing way! Strike that theory from the record right now -- you might as well punch yourself in the kidney for ever believing that statement. Jon, vocalist and Demo-cult member fills us in:

We've tucked ourselves away for nearly a year now trying to write this God damn record. Not because it's some sweeping-epic-theme record about the Cherokee or some shit, but because we've had a rough time writing anything we like. We've toured minimally as a result of that, but the touring we've done has been amazing. If you haven't heard about Dudefest, you're probably not listening. In any case I do have some news to report. We have finished about 95 percent of the record: We're calling it "He's Never Coming Back." Casey broke his hand the very week we wrapped up the last song, so recording has been put on hold for at least six weeks. Once he gets the cast off, we'll need about a month to rehearse. Then we can finally shoot and bury this thing as if it was that ham-fisted cunt Nancy Grace. The new stuff is definitely pissed off, but its more... strange? If IDCWIGWID can be described as harsh, this could be described as well written harsh. We hope to have it out before the end of the year. Take care, dickweeds.

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