Welp. It is here and I am stoked, the weekend. We have been planning a lake trip for a few weeks now and it has finally arrived. The Jet Ski's are gassed, as well as the boat, and the wake boards are geared up for some much needed slick water gliding and fun. I have been working like a dog lately so this trip is actually very much needed for my personal psyche.
What have you been doing while on your break Will? You may ask.
The answer. Working with a crew putting up vinyl siding on an insanely huge house with rather odd angles and lofty heights that have tested my endurance for such things, in a rather richly neighborhood sitting among other houses of similar tastes and sizes all the while adorning the sidelines of a top notch golfing establishment. Boy have I seen some good shots off of the 16th green these past few weeks.
It has really been a fun job, working with competent folks full of experience, who do not mind sweating in the sun, letting a newbie get his licks in, and telling stories of days past and memories earned to pass the time. I've heard so many old Vietnam stories I am beginning to feel like ol' Oliver Stone himself. I swear, I must laugh at least a thousand times a day hearing the guys speak of trips to the "Californi-YES-YOU-CAN", a wild whore house located deep inside a Vietnam township just outside of a fellow workers barracks, word is they used to do their best to, after receiving well earned (and payed for) felatio by a young woman, convince the new guys on base to go in for a kiss.
I also heard that the proper place to dispose of young G.I. goo is under the mattress, just a simple lift and spit and no one would ever know you were there. Ugh. Now the tears and side stitches come on while hearing of bear hunting stories where another fellow worker, who is quite hard of hearing, especially amidst extreme external noise, i.e. harsh winds, traffic, public gathering spots, etc., was hunting and due to the harsh, loud winds, walked right up on a bear and proceeded to, "...drop my gun, shit my pants, stand like a stunned monkey for what felt like thirty minutes, then come to and grab my gun and shoot the fuck out of that mother fucker!"
It don't get no better than that folks. Well, that is until you are spread eagle wearing nothing but shorts and your chest hair getting a tan from our own glorious sun, while awaiting you next ride on some sort of aquatic fun having vehicle or device. Yes, the lake, the water, the music, the women, the beers, the pot, the smiles, the laughs, and the good times HERE I COME!
Yaw have a good weekend!
One love.
Wheel Jackson
I hope I get a chance too, I got my first bear tag this year in the Colorado area. I have a pretty solid plan, and I seen em there last year in this place, but that still takes alot of luck. What a lucky guy. AR
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