"You know what really Grinds My gears" not by Peter Griffin
Our diluted fake fucking Media who are too scared to ask real questions. But when it comes time to fear monger the American sheep they are right on board. How about this? I am going to form two News companies. One Called GOOD NEWS, and the other is called Are you Fucking Kidding Me? News. All the Good News will have everything good that people do in this country. You know helping elderly, foster care, adopting crack addict kids, people at a food pantry, helping your neighbor, etc. I mean honestly this list is long and sends a positive message to people who always bitch and moan that nobody does anything good, and everyone is getting shot, and gas is high, and cry me a fucking river, shut up. Life is what you put into it. If you are a miserable prick that blames everyone else for you being a loser then you will always amount to nothing and be a miserable prick.
The next is Are you Fucking Kidding Me? News. I mean really there isn't many asking the honest questions, and when people are--for example Alex Jones--its always called "Conspiracy Theory." No its just because media today and the American sheep cannot be rattled by the true thought of an honest question--and GOD forbid actually get an HONEST ANSWER--because we all know if there was an HONEST ANSWER (for example) of why we went to Iraq, this country would freak out. It's funny how our President has the lowest approval rating of all time, supposedly Al Qaeda flew planes into two buildings and yet Al Qaeda is in no way shape or form linked to Iraq (FACT), IRAQ had no WOMDs (FACT), Saddam Hussein hated Al Qaeda (FACT) and the list is long, but people still feel we are safer that we are in Iraq.
Did I just hear myself write that? Wait is that right? Haha. Wait, people even know that it was a scam -- I mean it is printed everywhere, yes even on CNN, and somehow this country is not up in arms fighting. Hmmmmm… IN WALKS Are you Fucking Kidding me News, featuring yours truly Ant, and on the road Keith. And our first question is busting in the doors of Congress and asking "WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE NO CHARGES BROUGHT UP ON THIS ADMINISTRATION?' Now you may say to yourself well there are already people doing this, yeah, but we will be on National TV. Why is it not already?
I have touched some topics today that are on a more serious note than just busting on dumb celebrities, because Keith said I am not serious enough. So this article of "You know what really grinds my gears" is just 10 percent of my anger. The other 90 percent is spent on drums. I hope you have enjoyed this story, and if not you are a little jerk.
There was a bill proposed by W. and passed by congress that said he and his administration get to define what exactly draws the line between torture and everyday interrogation in various military holding centers; i.e. Guantanimo Bay and what such. The bill also states that W. and his cronies are automatically pardoned for any supposed crimes against humanity in these facilities. So, while he orders military personal to do everything short of killing these "terrorists", charges can be brought against the individuals, but not those in charge forcing them to proceed with said actions. I shit you not. W. makes Nixon look like a fucking cub scout.
I empathize with your anger. Take it out on the drums some more, for starters--- and never stop pointing the finger when necessary [especially at the power of the state]. Ron Paul 2008
I just woke up and read this. As I was reading the examples of Good News, I thought it said food "party" not food "pantry." And before I really thought about it, my mind said, "yeah food party's are pretty good.s
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